Blast Furnace

I had to change the background of my blog simply to cool me down. It truly does feel like a blast furnace out there in the afternoon.  I have enjoyed immensely the huge pecan tree in my backyard. The temperature out there is routinely 10 degrees cooler than the front yard.  I've got two comfy chairs set up in the shade and I've found myself taking a cup of coffee out there and just enjoying the quiet.

It really isn't too bad until after 10:00, so if anyone wants to stop by for a cup of coffee, please do so. If I don't have any made, I will put some on or pour you some iced tea and we can visit for a little while in the shade with which God has blessed me.  I really mean it. Anytime between 8:30 and 9:30 feel free to stop by for a cuppa coffee. I probably won't be dressed nicely and most likely there will be chaos all over the place inside, but we can escape for a little bit to the backyard and enjoy a few minutes of conversation.
