Nineteen years ago right now I was getting my hair done at Shelton's with my bridesmaids and Mom and having a great time. At 3:00 today I will have been married 19 years to a really good man who is bordering on Sainthood for putting up with me all these years.
Nineteen years and 4 kids later I would not change the decision I made that day for anything in the world. A better husband is not possible to find, so I'll stick with the one I have, that's for sure.
A timeline of our life together
1990 - We meet on St. Patrick's Day because his best friend's wife introduced us
1991 - I go back to Indiana in January
1991 - Floyd gets laid off from A12 and finds work in Bloomington, IN in April
1991 - Floyd asks me to marry him on a ski life in Bloomington on October 13
1991 - I graduate in December and Floyd is recalled to Fort Worth for work
1992 - Married in November
1993 - Move into first house June
1995 - Our first baby goes to heaven in May
1995 - Hail storm destroys house in May
1996 - Michael is born in August
1998 - I quit my job to raise our ONE child (that's soon to change)
1998 - Kathryn joins Michael in November
2000 - We join St. Rita Catholic Community and Michael starts school
2001 - Three week long trailer trip through the Northwest with the kids
2001 - Move to the new house (8 blocks away) and Kathryn starts school
2003 - Emily (surprise) joins the family in November on her Grammy's birthday
2007 - Charlotte (really surprise) joins the family in May
2009 - First family trip to Disney World in January
2009 - Michael graduates from 8th grade in May
2010 - Floyd's Mom passes away in December
2011 - All four kids are in school; for the first time, a quiet house during the day :)
Our Wedding Day ~ 11/28/92 |
Old Married Folks ~ June 2011 |
The Entire Family ~ April 2011 |
Our Wedding Day |
Murder Mystery Party ~ 2006 |
Out to dinner ~ 2005 |
Las Vegas Night ~ 2010 |
Pro-Life Dinner ~ 2009 |
Las Vegas Night ~ 2005 |
Niece's graduation ~ 2003? |
Our First dance ... It's a Leap of Faith |
The Family circa 2001 |
Tandy Hills in 2002 |
The Family circa 1993 |
Charlotte Arrives ~ 2007 |
The Whole Crew at Easter 2011 |
Halloween 2005 |